Allergies and Genes: Are Allergies Genetic?

Allergies and genetics, are two complicated categories. Are they related or is the connection an old wives tale? Allergic conditions are one of the most common health issues affecting children in the U.S. Are genetics to blame? The question “Are allergies genetic?” maybe popped into your head out of pure curiosity, or maybe you are … Read more

Allergy Cough: Symptoms, Triggers, Preventions, & Treatments


Wouldn’t it be great to wake up and go about your day without a cough caused by allergies? These days when you cough the first thing those around you think of is, “Ahh COVID”, and it’s a pain to try and explain, “No it’s my allergies, I am allergic to (insert favorite allergen here) I … Read more

Intralymphatic Immunotherapy-Treatment of the Future? 

ILIT (intralymphatic immunotherapy) Allergy shots of the future?

Allergies are to blame for over 50 million Americans experiencing itchy eyes, hives, sneezing, runny noses, and a bunch more symptoms each year. Intralymphatic immunotherapy (ILIT) is new to the allergy prevention game, but is it the new allergy treatment of the future?  What is Intralympthatic Immunotherapy? Intralymphatic immunotherapy (ILIT) is a type of immunotherapy … Read more

17 Practical Ways to Prevent Fall Allergies

17 practical ways to prevent fall allergies -

These 17 practical ways to prevent fall allergies will cover immediate and long-term allergy relief solutions. For most people, the fall season is wonderful and doesn’t cause allergies. I am not like most people, and if you are reading this… (I bet) you are not like most people as well.  Let’s buckle up and keep reading … Read more