How long does eyelid dermatitis last?

How long does eyelid dermatitis last? Eyelid dermatitis can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. However, in some cases, it may persist for months or even years. Knowing the cause will greatly assist in lowering the healing time for eyelid dermatitis. Causes Eyelid dermatitis is a type of skin condition that … Read more

Does hypoallergenic mean nickel free?

No, “hypoallergenic” does not necessarily mean “nickel free.” Nickel is a common metal found in jewelry and other products. It is used because it is strong and resistant to rust and corrosion. However, some people are allergic to nickel and can experience skin irritation when they come into contact with it. If you are allergic … Read more

15 Best Hypoallergenic Deodorant Choices

There are a lot of hypoallergenic deodorant choices on the market that claim to be the best. Many of these “hypoallergenic,” deodorants either don’t work or are NOT hypoallergenic. So, I did some research and found the best non-allergy-causing pit sticks that actually work.   During my research, I looked for the safest ingredients, analyzed real … Read more

Complete Breast Eczema Guide: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More

breast eczema guide title page

Breast eczema is a condition that affects the skin on or around the breast and may affect over 500,000 people each year. Even with all of these dermatitis diagnoses, the condition is not really talked about.  The lack of information on symptoms, causes, and treatment options is frustrating! If this sounds like your situation, then this … Read more