
Allergy Preventions Articles

Welcome to all the allergy prevention content. Take a look around, we have a little bit of something for everyone.

  • Potato Intolerance Decoded: Mastering the Basics

    Potato Intolerance Decoded: Mastering the Basics

    A potato intolerance refers to the body’s inability to digest and process certain components found in potatoes. While potato intolerances are not widely recognized as well as other food intolerances like dairy, I believe it is essential that I share my knowledge and shed some light on this condition. Get ready to learn the causes,…

  • Potato Allergy Insights: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

    Potato Allergy Insights: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

    A potato allergy? It may sound unbelievable, but the reality is that potato allergies exist. Whether you’re uncertain about a potential potato allergy or you’ve recently received a diagnosis, this guide is designed to provide you with the essential insights you need. We’ll journey through the origins, symptoms, treatment options, and preventive strategies, offering the…

  • 15 Best Spongiotic Dermatitis Moisturizers

    15 Best Spongiotic Dermatitis Moisturizers

    When looking for the best spongiotic dermatitis moisturizers, you don’t want to take a shot in the dark and risk getting a product that may make your eczema worse or is so full of chemicals that it is unhealthy. To find the best over-the-counter (OTC) moisturizer for Spongiotic Dermatitis, I investigated the ingredients, real user feedback,…

  • Best Hypoallergenic Soap Bars

    Best Hypoallergenic Soap Bars

    I have scoured countless sources and reviewed hundreds of reviews to come up with a selective list of the best hypoallergenic soap bars out there. Eczema, dry skin, or even just a sensitivity to soaps is something many of us are affected by every day. I have found a variety of hypoallergenic soaps that should…

  • Is cinnamon a nut allergy?

    Is cinnamon a nut allergy?

    No, cinnamon is not considered a nut allergy, cinnamon is a spice derived from the inner bark of several species of trees in the Cinnamomum genus. This bark is harvested and dried into rolls, which are then ground into a powder (cinnamon). Even though cinnamon is not a nut, it doesn’t mean that you can’t…

  • Cinnamon Allergy 101: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions

    Cinnamon Allergy 101: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions

    A cinnamon allergy is when your body has an irrational immune system response to cinnamon (allergic reaction). Cinnamon and spice allergies are not common, which means thoroughly researched information is hard to come by, that’s where I come in! I am providing you with as much credible information as possible on cinnamon allergies. We will…